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carrie bell

Day #153- Humble Pie

Dear Humble Teacher,

“I’m sorry,” my Spanish teacher pleaded with a quivering chin and tears in her eyes. I can’t remember the boy she was apologizing to or what she was apologizing for, but I’ve never forgotten the look on her face as she gobbled up a big bite of humble pie.

That was the first time I had ever seen a teacher break through the fourth wall and become so vulnerable and human. She was genuinely sorry, and it showed.

Her humility of spirit helped me understand more about the kind of teacher I wanted to be and hope I am. The need for control is so strong with so many teachers. They are the CEO’s of their classroom, and they are always right, except when they are wrong.

I once heard someone say humility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less. I love that definition because it’s the one I learned from my 11th grade Spanish teacher so many years ago.

It wasn’t the first time she exposed me to a new language that year. Beyond HOLA! Seniorita, I don’t remember much about Spanish, but I do know I learned some very important American phrases that I am still learning anew each day.

Here are a few:

1l I’m sorry

2) I was wrong

3) You’re right

4) Will you forgive me?

5) I see where you’re coming from

6) I hear what you’re saying

7) I’ll do better

8) I don’t know

9) We’re in this together

10) Do you want to get ice cream?


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