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carrie bell

Day #168- Wet Wood

Dear Blah Teacher,

The blah teacher is…well…blah.

I read a facebook post today where some kids were experimenting with the possibility of starting fire with wet wood.

Listen, I’m no scientist, so I’m not saying it’s impossible, but I am saying every teacher in America who is still "teaching" is testing this same hypothesis.

And Lord if our wood ain’t wet, really wet, literally and figuratively.

This rain and humidity can leave just any day now. It certainly isn’t doing much to abate the teacher blah.

Teacher blah stands for Being Literally Annoyed Hourly by nothing in particular.

End of the school week teacher blah starts with trying to find something to wear to school while resenting the fact that it can’t be your pajamas, and it ends with a sleep-deprived crash on the couch at 4:30 p.m.

What day is it? What month is it? Who knows anymore?

Using the scientific method, I have concluded the only cure for teacher blah during the last week of school is stumbling upon another mindless social media craze to temper the boredom.

Move over Tiger King, you’re old news.

There’s a fire burning within me to turn my family’s faces into Disney characters.

Aren’t they so cute?


P.S. Leave it to Disney to find a way to start fire from wet wood.

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