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  • carrie bell

Day #4 (180 Days) "The One"

Updated: Oct 17, 2020

Dear Praying Teacher,

She's the one, the one you want on your side, the one you want your son to have, the one who makes the biggest difference. She's the one who moves mountains, who speaks life into dead situations. She makes it all look easy, even though it can't be. In the morning, she rises like a goddess of victory. She points her finger to the North Star and ties a trail of kids to her tail for the adventure.

You know her. I know you do because when you meet someone like her you're not going to forget her, not now, not ever.

She's got a smile that swallows up sorrow and spits it back out as joy. She whispers words of correction but uses a megaphone to shout praise. She walks with dignified purpose, always on a mission to be better than the previous day.

Above and beyond is the unspoken motto of her life. You don't have to ask. She already knows, and yes, she will. Her generosity is going to humble you..just you wait. When your bucket is empty, she's going to share. Her heart is always teeming with hope that tomorrow is full of possibility. She loves very big.

I'm telling you now she's the one, the one who will pray for you when you should be praying for her. For proof, she'll write your name in her daily planner nestled between a scripture and a reminder for the read aloud of "The Day the Crayons Quit."

Don't be like those crayons. We need you...each one of you- every color, shape, and size. You'll stay forever, won't you?


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