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carrie bell

Day #5 (180 Days) Today's the Day

Updated: Oct 4, 2020

Dear Teacher Who Still Doesn't Have Power,

"You'll get it back soon." "Maybe today's the day," they keep saying.

For the teacher still crouched in an eerily quiet home, catatonically staring into empty space with swirling thoughts of frustration, I have a message for you, for me.

Right now each day feels like a relentless loop of hopelessness, but I promise the power will return. It simply will. Normalcy will resume, and the gratitude for normal will overwhelm you.

Ever notice electricity is a luxury a person never really appreciates until it's missing? On an average September Wednesday, we don't walk into our homes and marvel at a ceiling fan spinning or squeal with delight when turning on a lamp, but five days without basic necessities humbles a person, makes him see what matters most.

Some educators think Hurricane Sally's destruction coming on the heels of the pandemic reopening plan could not be worse timing. I disagree. I think the two are holding hands to remind us they are one in the same. Both storms have brought catastrophic damage, challenged our way of life, renewed our perspective, and provided opportunities for rebuilding through creativity.

After all, is warming an infant's bottle by candlelight really much different than winking at a kid while wearing a mask? Yes, in a pinch either will do, but there really is no substitute for a warm bottle or a naked smile. Both are necessary to keep a child healthy and secure.

In the aftermath of a storm, hurricane survivors must get creative with ways to artificially generate power, but they also fully undertand the counterfiet of energy always pales in comparison to the real thing.

This year of the COVID crisis is a difficult season for administrators, teachers, and students alike. We are trying to create energy with limited resources, but the good news is, it won't last forever. The struggle is long and grueling right now, but power is coming back soon. And when it does, the gratitude for normal will overwhelm you. It overwhelms me just thinking about it.

Without a doubt, we'll be stronger and better from the temporary loss in exchange for permanent gain.

It may take some time, but I know you'll get your power back soon.

And wouldn't it be cool if today was the day?


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